♦ As per the new pattern, students till class V will be assessed in Scholastic area.
♦ For assessment of the scholastic areas, the academic year is divided in two terms and two types of tests will be conducted to assess the academic subjects as given in Table
Formative Assessment
♦ The formative assessment is a tool for continuous monitoring of the progress of the students.
♦ The assessment will include quizzes, conversations, oral testing, visual testing, projects, practical, assignments, class test, class-work, home work etc.
♦ The teacher is free to take any number of formative tests in his/her subject during the year but only four formative tests will be taken into account in each subject (the best two out of those will be considered).
♦ Performance of the students will be reflected in grades.
♦ The formative tests for primary classes will be in the form of – Dictation, oral test, class test, home work, class work, assignments & projects (III to V), Memory test, Story telling, Quiz (III to V), Elocution (III to V) or any other tool found suitable by the teacher.
♦ The formative tests are purely informal, however, the teachers will inform the date and time of test before hand. These tests may be taken in the regular periods.
Summative Assessment
♦ The Summative assessment is the terminal assessment of performance at the end of instruction.
♦ Under the end term Summative assessment, the students will be tested internally.
♦ The Summative assessment will be in the form of a pen-paper test conducted by the schools themselves.
♦ It will be conducted at the end of each term twice in a year in the form of Half yearly Exam and Yearly Exam.
Term wise weightage
♦ Inline with the RTE act, Ambition International School desist from the pass-fail system based on terminal examination.
♦ The objective is to bring continuous improvement in the performance of the students.
♦ The grade of the child can be computed in the achievement card based on the student’s performance.
♦ All assessment with regard to the academic status of the students shall be done in marks and overall assessment will be given in grades in 8 point scale for primary (classes I to V).
♦ The report cards will carry the grades only. The performance of the students in the primary classes will also be shown in GRADES (8 point scale).
♦ The grades will be given on the basis of performance of the students in all the 6 tests.
♦ The new grading system is given below......
♦ Promotion will be granted on the basis of the final examination, plus the year’s performance; definite reference is also made to attendance and general aptitude for the higher standard.
♦ A minimum of 75% attendance is a must for promotion.
♦ The decision to promote is made by the Principal in consultation with the staff/committee formed by the director and his/her decision is final.
♦ final. A pupil who fails two years in succession in the same class will be asked to leave the school.
♦ Answer scripts of the Final Examination are not given to the students.
♦ In very rare circumstance, when a guardian has a genuine reason to doubt about his ward’s result, he may wish to appeal for a recheck, as is done in the Board Examinations.
♦ The procedure to be followed, is given below:
♦ Apply to the Principal of the school in writing, stating clearly Your reasons for a reevaluation, within a week after the result.
♦ The Principal may or may not sanction the reevaluation.
♦ The findings of the recheck Will be intimated to you within 14 days after it is sanctioned.
♦ Kindly note that reevaluation will be done for any number of Papers at the rate of Rs. 100/- per paper.
♦ Reevaluation means – checking to see if all the questions are corrected and if there are any mistakes in totalling or in transferring the marks.
How to Reach